snagging inspections Greenwich
If you are purchasing a new apartment in the Greenwich and greater London area then it is extremely important to have your property professionally and independently inspected for snags and defects that are often overlooked or dismissed by the developer. The slot that a developer often provides is totally inadequate to locate, identify and log the numerous and various defects and snags that are inherent in new builds. Often the developer will push for the client to check the property themselves for snags, providing them with a handful of stickers and paper and pen during the actual handover, and then after the client has submitted their rushed list they will argue that anything outside the initial inspection will not be accepted unless it is a major defect.
Most credible new build warranties, such as the NHBC warranty, will provide cover for snags and defects with a two year cut off period for the client to submit a defect however after a client has moved into a property there is often a stressful battle with the developer to first acknowledge that the defect was a construction defect and then accept that it is a genuine defect which they are responsible to rectify.
If the trades and construction teams are no longer onsite then it becomes even more difficult to address any issues raised therefore it is crucial that a full professional snagging inspection of the property is undertaken before completion or shortly afterwards before the client moves into the property and trades have left the development.
Our professional property snagging team follow NHBC guidelines and tolerances and will identify and log the genuine defects , that can often be initially overlooked, and produce a well structured report within 24 hours so that the issues and defects raised can be dealt with in a timely manner.