Construction snagging
Helping developers, investors and contractors with their onsite snagging.
Property Snagging London (PSL) have and are working closely with London developers, investors and contractors such as the Berkeley group and Knight Frank. Our aim is to help companies address their construction snagging issues resulting in a superior product and happier customer.
Reducing the amount of snags and defects before the handover period is a crucial element in developing and maintaining your company's reputation for good quality and high standards.
​​We can work with your existing snagging system, procedures, and team or introduce you to our own bespoke system for identifying, locating and allocating snagging defects with clearly defined annotated reports. We have found that bringing in independent, professional snagging inspectors onsite can, in itself, result in a higher standard from the trades and contractors who require their work to be signed off.
After our onsite snagging inspection our reports can be made available to the management, and allocated to the trades for rectification. We can also help with the de-snagging process checking that the issues raised have been resolved and completed to satisfactory standard.
We can help and support you and your team to install and set up a bespoke construction snagging and de-snagging system that you can test and utilise for a no obligation trail period.
Please contact us to see where we can help you reduce the time spent on addressing your snagging issues and raise the standard of your London investments, new builds, apartments and properties.
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