Snagging survey london
When deciding whether or not to have a snagging survey in London one of the most important points for consideration is that the average new-build apartment in London will have over 60 issues and defects. When this is considered and a typical snagging inspection report is viewed it is clear that it would be unwise not to have a snagging survey. The average cost for a two bedroom apartment in London is £600, 000 subsequently it is one of the largest investments a client will make. Considering the typical snagging survey cost to have a professional snagging inspection is normally in the region of £350 it would be nonsensical not to engage the services of a professional snagging company to conduct a snagging inspection for a new-build purchase in the London area.

Our snagging inspection is extremely thorough and normally takes 3-4 hours for a 2 bedroom apartment; our comprehensive and detailed report is then forwarded to you within 24 hours, and also to the developer - if requested.
We are determined to improve the standard and finish of a new build by finding and reporting issues that are often overlooked or dismissed. Our report is designed and clearly laid out with annotated photography to enable the developer to locate and address the issues raised in a responsive and timely manner so you can be safe in the knowledge that your new property will be of the high quality and standard that you'd expect.
Our inspections are comprehensive and thorough, we run all appliances such as the washer/dryer, dishwasher, we check the cooker, microwave, hob, fridge, freezer etc, we check the heating and ventilation system, we check that all doors and windows are operating correctly and aligned, we check all plug sockets and lights, we run all taps, showers and baths, checking for any signs of leaks and also that the toilet flush systems are flush correctly. We will also check your apartment for any decorative defects and issues, also for poor and untidy workmanship.
Please follow the link below to view a typical snagging inspection report - it will give you an idea of the layout and structure of the report and also a sample of the typical snags that we come across.
