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House snagging Hampshire

Following a request for a snagging survey of a four bedroom house in Petersfield, Hampshire we found the property, that was built by David Wilson Homes, to be of a good standard and good decorative finish but we did raise and log over a 100 snags and defects.

In this particular case we were granted access, by the developer, to the property prior to completion and therefore, with the consent of the our client, we were able to provide both parties with a full snagging inspection report the next day. We found the David Wilson team very helpful in the run up to the inspection and also for providing access to the property, which often is not the case when dealing with other developers.

There are a number of developers and construction companies that are adverse to an independent snagging inspection prior to completion however I firmly believe that developers, if not already, should look as our services as helpful, constructive and an important gauge of the quality and standard of their end product. The majority of snagging inspectors are there to look after the interests of their client however the end goal for all parties should be the same and that is to achieve and obtain a property of a good standard and acceptable finish.

If we were take this one step further and developers were to encourage their marketing and completions teams to endorse the services of independent inspectors prior to completion then I believe that in itself would help raise and maintain a higher standard subsequently resulting in more satisfied home buyers.

So what our the main benefits of a snagging inspection prior to completion for the client and the developer?

1. The purchaser of the property will have an infinitive list of genuine snags and issues that can be presented to the developer so that the defects raised can be rectified in a timely manner.

2. The developer will have an infinitive list of snags that they, if agreement of the issues raised, can rectify while their contractors are still onsite and the property is vacant.

In summary, with the infinitive snagging list the purchaser, the developer and the contractors are not constantly to and froing in between each other, within the two year warranty period, over numerous newly discovered issues that were not identified prior to completion.

House snagging Petersfield Hampshire

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